Great advertising and marketing can help decrease the number of vacant spaces in your property. By carrying out a well-planned advertisement, you can attract numerous tenants to your property. However, before you reap the fruits of marketing, you need to plan it out and ensure that you are intentional with your adverts and marketing platforms.

Marketing is useful for any product or service out there. It is through marketing and advertisement that potential customers and clients get to learn about your commodity. This is then how you get to build a brand through the pool of buyers. The same applies to real estate commodities and especially rental spaces.

In this article, Cory Real Estate Services will provide you with a few tips on how you can…

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Rent Increase Laws Cory Real Estate

As a landlord, there will come a time when you’ll need to increase the amount that you’re charging tenants for rent. Some of the most common reasons why Tennessee landlords may want to increase rent include:

  • To keep up with the local real estate market. You can use a rent comparison tool to gauge whether the rent amount you’re charging is at par with others in the same neighborhood.
  • If you wish to make improvements to the rental property. Are you looking to conduct some rental property improvements, such as put in a new HVAC system, replace the carpets, or re-do the kitchen? If you’re, then you may want to raise the rent price in order to recoup that money back.
  • Rising local economy. It makes financial sense to raise the rent in order to…

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